• Question: How many engineering jobs are available?

    Asked by Ciara on 22 Jan 2020.
    • Photo: Stephen Durrant

      Stephen Durrant answered on 22 Jan 2020:

      There are many types of engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Assembly and Test to name but a few) so there are also many engineering jobs available in UK and Europe

    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 23 Jan 2020: last edited 23 Jan 2020 10:28 am

      According to the stats, 19% of the UK workforce is employed in the engineering sector.

      That means in your class of 30, 5-6 people need to become engineers to keep the sector at the size it is now – but actually we want it to grow, as over a quarter of the UK’s GDP comes directly from engineering, so it is essential for our country’s economy.

      To keep up with demand, 126,000 engineers are required in the UK every year until 2024.

      Currently the UK only produces about 70,000 newly qualified engineers each year from our apprenticeships, college, and university courses. We plug some of that gap by recruiting engineers from overseas, but there is still a huge (and growing) shortage of engineers.

      This is a very good website to give you a feel for the size of the problem (and the size of the opportunity for young people like you who could become engineers!)

