• Question: What's the worst part of your job???

    Asked by Grace dp on 20 Jan 2020.
    • Photo: John Bridges

      John Bridges answered on 20 Jan 2020:

      Dear Grace
      Working on operations for a Mars rover run on Mars time can sometimes mean working in the middle of the night (Earth time).
      Professor John Bridges

    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 24 Feb 2020:

      I’d say the worst part is also one of my favourite parts- it depends on your perspective.

      It’s that there is always a problem that needs solving. A lot of the times things don’t work like you’d hoped or expected, once you come to build and test them, and then you have to solve the problem by coming up with an alternative design. And the problems just keep coming, as that is our job- once you’ve solved the problems, the rover is built successfully, and you move onto the next project – with more problems that need solving! Sometimes that can feel overwhelming.

      If you look at it a different way, though, it means there is always something interesting and challenging to think about and solve, and no two days will ever be the same, as you have different challenges to solve every day. And that’s the main reason I love my job – I like problem solving and thinking of new designs and solutions, and being creative. You just have to have the right mind-set and not give up!
