• Question: How do you select the right landing spot for the ExoMars rover.

    Asked by Sonia P to Adam - Planetary Team, John - Planetary Team on 3 Mar 2020. This question was also asked by Inigo.
    • Photo: Adam Parkes Bowen

      Adam Parkes Bowen answered on 3 Mar 2020:

      Initially those areas of Mars which the rover could safely land on, while also receiving enough sunlight to power it were determined and made available to the academic community. Following this several teams identified areas of scientific interest (e.g. massive dried-out river channels, river deltas, etc.) and studied them along with their surrounding region. These proposals where then submitted to the LSSWG (Landing Site Selection Working Group), a team of very capable scientists whose job it was to assess the merits of each landing site against one another. After several rounds of eliminating candidate sites, deepening the research into the surviving landing sites and then reevaluating them given this further research, Oxia Planum (an area which is thought to have hosted both a large body of water and a later river/delta system) was selected.
