• Question: Whats your opinion on global warming setting australia on fire and destroying the philippines with super typhoons?

    Asked by beep130ear on 27 Feb 2020.
    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 27 Feb 2020:

      I’m not sure I have an opinion on that!

      I assume this is some theory of what might happen if global warming continues unchecked- but I have not heard of it and it is not my area of expertise so I don’t know how likely it is.

      I do believe that we should be all doing our best to make more sustainable and ethical decisions about how we live and work in order to minimise our impact on the environment, and as much as possible to clean up and repair the damage that has already been done. I think that will be the defining challenge of our time, and how we respond to it will be judged by future generations.
